SOHL Global is an equipping ministry. The goal is to equip individuals, churches, and communities to be more effective in serving, interceding, and advancing the Sanctity of Human Life (Sacredness of Human Life) message and cause worldwide.
SOHL Global approaches ministry from a Galatians 6:2 perspective, “Come alongside and help carry one another’s burdens.” This can take on many different forms; however, the services below are designed to help make the burden of ministering within the Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) cause more effortless.

SOHL Care is a complimentary online platform that enables a church or nonprofit organization to have an initial voice for the cause of life. Through the SOHL Care program, the local church or nonprofit group can provide online counseling, life-affirming education, support, and referrals to resources in their community.

SOHL Packs
SOHL Packs are a complementary ministry tool created by SOHL Global to serve as the next level of care. Through the SOHL Packs program, staff or volunteers are equipped with a ministry backpack with the resources necessary to provide life-affirming education and support with individuals, couples, or families in person.

SOHL Training
Equipping is at the heart of what SOHL Global is all about. We provide training on various topics, and ministry needs to help make the church’s or nonprofit’s efforts more effective. Training might be related to counseling, life-affirming education, outreach and marketing, and the sanctity of human life cause.

SOHL Outreach
SOHL Outreach is an equipping program where we come alongside and help equip your church or nonprofit with the insights they need for client outreach. It allows you to compete with the opposition to reach clients with the Sanctity of Life message first. Outreach may involve social media, SEO, online, and support outreach collateral.

SOHL Church Engagement
SOHL Church Engagement (SOHL CE) is a complimentary service that SOHL Global provides to nonprofits and ministry leaders. SOHL CE is designed to offer ways to get more pastors and churches involved in the life-affirming work they are doing.

SOHL Counseling
SOHL Counseling is a multilevel program leveraging counseling services to support the leaders and participants using our SOHL Care or SOHL Packs programs. The most effective team members are those who have experienced the healing and reconciliation necessary for being at peace in life. Counseling may be provided to SOHL team members who need healing so that they are better-equipped counselors and educators for serving others.

SOHL Connect
SOHL Connect is a program where we seek to connect you with the life-affirming resource that you need. It is a collaboration between us, you, and our global partners worldwide, building a network of life-affirming programs and services. Whether you need someone on the political advocacy, business support, or help and service side, we are here to connect you with the organization, ministry, or person you need.